
NEFAC Joins Open Government Groups to Blast R.I. Attorney General Opinion on Open Records Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | Calling it “a new low” in Rhode Island’s enforcement of the Access to Public Records Act (APRA), the New England First Amendment Coalition joined several fellow open government groups today to blast an opinion recently issued by the attorney general’s office. The advisory opinion, Clark v. Dept. of Public Safety,held that public bodies can charge members of […]

In Response to the Death of James Foley

War reporting is one of the noblest and most dangerous kinds of journalism. James Foley, the New Hampshire native barbarically murdered this week, was dedicated to the craft. The New England First Amendment Coalition salutes James Foley’s work and that of others who carry on this most risky pursuit. We send our condolences to the […]

Sentinel Editor Kaiser to Highlight Annual Institute; Applications Available for New England Journalists

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | Marty Kaiser, editor and senior vice president of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, will provide the keynote address at this year’s New England First Amendment Institute. The New England First Amendment Coalition provides the three-day intensive training course on freedom of information laws and investigative techniques each year to 25 of the […]

NEFAC Disappointed in Supreme Court Decision, Renews Call to Withdraw Subpoena Against Risen

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rose Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from James Risen, a reporter for The New York Times and recipient of the New England First Amendment Coalition’s 2014 Stephen Hamblett Award. Risen at NEFAC’s 2014 Annual Awards Luncheon. Risen faces jail time for refusing to identify a confidential […]

NEFAC Calls on AG to Follow Court Order, Disclose Information on Drone Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rose Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | The New England First Amendment Coalition and more than 20 other organizations representing a broad range of interests have joined to urge the U.S. Attorney General not to appeal a recent federal court ruling that would provide the public with critical information about the legal analysis underpinning […]

NEFAC Partners with, Joins National Effort to Increase Transparency

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rose Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | The New England First Amendment Coalition is partnering with OpenTheGovernment, a Washington, D.C.-based group working to make the federal government more open and accountable. “This partnership is a way to further the reach of NEFAC and the important work we do,” said Rose Cavanagh, executive director of the New England First […]

NEFAC to Host Free Workshop on Right to Know and Privacy Concerns at St. Michael’s College in Vt.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rosanna Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | The New England First Amendment Coalition will host a free workshop and discussion on public access to government information and activities on March 27 at St. Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. Where’s the Line? When the Public’s Right to Know Collides with Privacy Wishes Free Informational Event […]

NEFAC, Loeb School to Offer Sunshine Week Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rosanna Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | To mark Sunshine Week and the importance of open government, the New England First Amendment Coalition and the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications are presenting a workshop about the public’s right to know. Sunshine Week, March 16-22, is a national initiative to open a dialogue about the crucial role open government […]

Subscribers of The Boston Globe Can Help NEFAC Win Ad Space, Promote Open Government

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rosanna Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | If you’re a subscriber of The Boston Globe, here is a quick and simple way to help the New England First Amendment Coalition advocate for open government and freedom of information: As a subscriber, you will be receiving or have already received in the mail […]

NEFAC to Honor Kit Savage, Brent Curtis and the Rutland Herald at Awards Luncheon in February

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Rosanna Cavanagh | 401.331.7209 | BOSTON, Mass. — The New England First Amendment Coalition will honor on Feb. 7 a mother who has fought for the rights of disabled students in Darien, Conn. and a Vermont newspaper and reporter who have waged a lengthy legal battle to uncover documents that reveal serious […]