
Important Reasons to Support NEFAC

Hello. I’m Ed Cafasso, a former reporter and editor in Boston. I’m a New England First Amendment Coalition board member. I’ve seen freedom of information issues from all sides over the course of my professional career as a journalist, as a public sector communicator, and as a reputation management executive for nearly 20 years. There […]

Help Us Meet Our Fundraiser Goals

Hello. I’m Sig Schutz, an attorney at Preti Flaherty in Portland, Maine. I’ve been a member of the New England First Amendment Coalition Board of Directors since 2008. I joined NEFAC nearly a decade ago to help Maine residents keep their government accountable. The coalition is a much-needed advocate for freedom of the press and […]

NEFAC Welcomes Two Summer Law Student Fellows to Help Advance Coalition’s Mission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | The New England First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce two law school fellows who will be helping the organization throughout the summer. Zachary Carlton and Tatiana Tway are both rising second-year students at New England Law | Boston. “We’re very happy to have Tatiana […]

We Can’t Do It Alone

  My name is Mike Donoghue. I worked at the Burlington Free Press for more than 40 years. I’m vice president of the New England First Amendment Coalition.  When we talk about protecting the rights of the media, we’re really talking about protecting the rights of the citizens in this country. Journalists represent those citizens […]

A Critical Partner

  Hello. I’m Lia Ernst. I’m a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont. I’m also a member of the New England First Amendment Coalition Board of Directors. I joined the NEFAC board because those of us who seek to hold the government accountable can only do our work with robust enforcement […]

After Year-Long Effort, New Vermont Law Provides Protection for Student Journalists

NEFAC, Media Groups Helped Advocate for Additional Safeguards for Students Reporting on Controversial Topics FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | Vermont Gov. Phil Scott recently signed into law legislation that provides greater First Amendment protections for student journalists and their teachers and advisers. The New England First Amendment Coalition is one […]

We need you. Now, more than ever.

  Hello. My name is Edward Fitzpatrick. I worked for 29 years as a reporter, editor and columnist, including 16 years at The Providence Journal. I’m a New England First Amendment Coalition board member. Now, more than ever, we must defend the First Amendment. Now, more than ever, we must support the watchdogs that unearth the […]

Dangerous Times for the First Amendment

  Hello. I’m Janet Wu. I’m a reporter with WCVB and a New England First Amendment Coalition board member. I’ve been a reporter here in Boston for nearly 44 years and I think we are wandering into very dangerous territory when it comes to the First Amendment. The recent elections — not just the presidential election […]

NEFAC, Media Groups Argue Against Possible Loophole in Vermont Public Records Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | The New England First Amendment Coalition recently joined an amici curiae brief in a case that could determine whether public officials in Vermont can skirt the state’s public records law by communicating through private email accounts. The Vermont Supreme Court case, Toensing v. Attorney General […]

NEFAC Calls for Protection of Press Rights in Rhode Island ‘Revenge Porn’ Legislation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Justin Silverman | 774.244.2365 | The New England First Amendment Coalition recently called for constitutional safeguards in Rhode Island legislation intending to combat so-called “revenge pornography.” Senate Bill 0401 would criminalize the unauthorized sharing of sexually explicit images or photos of a person’s “intimate areas.” It does not, as NEFAC […]